Our mission at Don Payne Group is to be your best resource for real estate advice. Whether you are a buyer, seller, or investor, our team of professionals can answer any questions you might have about real estate. Subscribe to this blog to get the latest news on local market trends and receive expert tips for buying or selling a home.
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Are you thinking of selling your home or interested in learning about home prices in your neighborhood? We can help you.
Don Payne is a devoted husband, father, son, friend, and volunteer. All of these life experiences make him uniquely qualified to have been the realtor of choice for home buyers and sellers since 1979. The key to Don’s success for more than 25 years has been his willingness to take the time to get to know his clients, and to understand how their housing situation can best help them meet their personal visions. Don has used his real estate expertise and relationship-building skills to help people in all walks of life realize their home ownership goals. He has reached out to single individuals, first-time homebuyers, new families, single parents, and well-established homeowners in a broad spectrum of pricing ranges, throughout their desired market areas.
Donald Payne
Don Payne Group
Vision Realty, Inc
4608 N. High Street, Columbus, OH 43214
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